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Get Involved

One of the most effective ways to manage invasive species is to enlist the aid of gardeners, boaters, fishermen and pet owners. Here are some ways you can get involved:

Educate Yourself & Others

Learn more about invasive species by exploring our Invasives Database and Resources page.

Learn to recognize common invaders and keep an eye out for signs of new ones. Check trees, gardens, vacant lots, roadsides, yards, agricultural areas, wetlands, ponds, and lakes. Early detection is crucial to stopping the spread of invasive species!

Let your local nursery grower know your concerns if they are selling invasive species. If you notice a nursery selling an invasive species, leave a Concerned Shopper card. If you notice a neighbors landscaping with invasive species, leave a Concerned Neighbor card.

Try to leave cards with the nursery's plant buyer, or request that it be directed there. Either card can be printed on Avery business cards #27881. By using the cards, we hope to inspire retailers homeowners to use more native plants and fewer invasive ones.

Join a Local Eradication Program

Join a local invasive plant eradication effort. Many parks and nature reserves manually remove invasive plants with the help of local volunteers. These outings are a great way to get some exercise, enjoy time outdoors, meet new friends, and gain the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping to protect your natural heritage.

If you live in the Woodlands, TX, or the North Houston area you can sign-up for The Woodlands Township Invasives Task Force here.

Learn more about the Cooperative Weed Management program (CWMA) that is actively removing Brazilian Peppertree in the Port Aransas area.

CWMA Future meeting, workdays, or events:

CWMA Table @ 2025 Whooping Crane Festival
February 20-23
Location: Port Aransas Nature Preserve, Port Aransas, TX
For volunteer infotmation, click HERE.
For event information, click HERE.

Join a Citizen Scientist Program

Working out in the field can be a very rewarding way to combat invasive species. Whether you are collecting scientific data to be used by local, state, or national agencies and organizations or actually helping get rid of the invasive plants and animals, you will be able to see up close and personal the impacts of invasive species and the results of your efforts. Go to our Citizen Scientist Page.
