The Eradicator Calculator is designed to ensure that volunteer-based invasive species management efforts don't go unheard. The tool provides a forum to publicize management events, track efforts by date and location for 175 different invasive plant species, and quantify the costs associated with management events. Event details will include: management event date, target species, equipment cost, treatment type, volunteer time, and staff time. The information is stored in our database and available to the public to search.
The Eradicator Calculator houses important data that is needed to more accurately determine the economic impacts of controlling invasive species. This information helps agency decision-makers understand the financial burden of control efforts.
Use our Management Event Calendar to publicize your invasive plant species management efforts throughout Texas. Our website is viewed approximately 1,100 times per month, so adding invasive species removal/treatment or site restoration events will help with volunteer recruitment and raise awareness for your organization.
Volunteer groups led by state, municipal, nonprofit, and concerned citizens alike can post events and submit post-event details through the Eradicator Calculator. Posting past events helps build the Eradicator Calculator database, which helps track the amount of time and money spent on controlling invasive species in Texas.
Future events
Past events