2011 TIPPC Conference Abstract Deadline Approaching Fast!

Tomorrow, September 30th, is the last day to submit an abstract for the 2011 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference.

This November, the Texas Invasive Plant & Pest Council will be hosting the fourth statewide conference on invasive species at Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. The November 8-10 conference will be a professional level meeting including keynotes, concurrent sessions, posters, field trips and symposia.

Submit your abstract today!
TIPPC Conference Schedule Posted

The schedule for the 2011 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference has been posted at www.texasinvasives.org. This year’s conference includes a Legislative Update by State Representatives Jimmie Don Aycock and Donna Howard, keynote address by Chuck Bargeron, author of EDDMapS, a Caddo Lake Case Study hosted by the Caddo Lake Institute and an update on the City of Austin’s Invasive Species Management Plan, the first plan of its kind in Texas and the second municipal plan in the nation.

The conference will also feature over forty oral and poster presentations in the following categories: Leadership and Coordination/Public Policy, Early Detection and Rapid Response, Control and Management, Research, Information Management, and Education and Public Awareness.

The 2011 conference will not be one to miss!

Early registration ends November 1, 2011.
More News

Texas-New Mexico-Mexico Saltcedar Biological Control Consortium: October 4-5, Alpine, Texas
This year's meeting will provide participants with the latest information on saltcedar biological control in the TX-NM-Mexico region.- Learn More

Seventh Continental Dialogue Meeting: October 5-6,Boulder, CO
Current panel topics including Applying What we Know to Managing the Firewood Pathway; Climate Change Impacts on Forests and the Spread of Invasives; Technology Applications for Managing Invasives; and Collaborative Efforts on Various Non-Native Forest Insects and Disease. - Learn More

2011 Natural Areas Conference: November 1-4, Tallahassee, FL
This year’s conference explores a range of topics concerning natural areas management and planning in the face of climate change. Co-hosted with the National Association of Exotic Pest Plant Councils (NAEPPC), the conference also features presentations on Invasive Exotic Species Management and a workshop on Cogongrass control - Learn More

Save the Date - National Invasive Species Awareness Week February 26 - March 3, Washington DC
A week of activities, briefings, workshops and events focused on strategizing solutions to address invasive species prevention, detection, monitoring, control, and management issues at local, state, tribal, regional, national and international scales. - Learn More

If you would like your invasive species event or news listed in the next iWire, please send the details to iwire@texasinvasives.org.


Invaders of Texas Program Featured at South By Southwest Eco

At the inaugural South By Southwest Eco, Invaders of Texas director Dr. Damon Waitt and program manager Travis Gallo will be sitting alongside big names in citizen science such as Janis Dickinson from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Sandra Henderson from Project Budburst, and Anne Haywood from National Geographic on a panel titled Eyes in the Field, Boots on the Ground: Citizen Science.

Experts in creating one of the top music and film festivals in the U.S., South by Southwest has now created a three-day conference to spotlight experts in the public, private and academic sectors committed to finding solutions for a sustainable world.
Invaders of Texas Citizen Science Workshops

*New* Rare Plant Monitoring & Invasive Species Workshops
Early Spring 2011
TBD, East Texas Pineywoods

For more information or to request a workshop, please visit our Workshop Page.