Ligustrum quihoui
Carr. (Waxyleaf privet ) |
Family: Oleaceae (Olive Family) Synonym(s): Duration: Perennial Habit: Shrub
Description: Ligustrum quihoui is a semi-evergreen to evergreen shrub, one to three meters high. It can be easily confused with the morphologically similar Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet), but can be distinguished by its narrower leaves, highly divaricate branching habit, and narrower inflorescence. History: Introduced as an ornamental Biology & Spread: Birds disperse seeds readily. Ecological Threat: It is not nearly as invasive as Ligustrum sinense but this privet species can also out-compete native vegetation and when not controlled can create a monoculture and change the understory of a forest. US Habitat: Forested areas. Distribution
Resembles/Alternatives: Other alternatives include inkberry (Ilex glabra), spicebush (Lindera benzoin), blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium), red or black chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia or melanocarpa) Management: Chemical: Foliar application with one of the following herbicides in water with a surfactant (August to December): USE PESTICIDES WISELY: ALWAYS READ THE ENTIRE PESTICIDE LABEL CAREFULLY, FOLLOW ALL MIXING AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND WEAR ALL RECOMMENDED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE GEAR AND CLOTHING. CONTACT YOUR STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL PESTICIDE USE REQUIREMENTS, RESTRICTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS. MENTION OF PESTICIDE PRODUCTS ON THIS WEB SITE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENT OF ANY MATERIAL. Listing Source
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Last Updated: 2024-02-08 by ARMO, TISI |